:: APEC국제교육협력원 ::





Author Guideline

Papers to be submitted to APCJ should be prepared following this information for APCJ authors and according to the style guide of APCJ The files obtained by clicking the avobe links can be used ad templates for regular or special – issue papers and letters, respectively.

I. Authors rights and responsibilitie

II. Manuscript Preparation

III. After Acceptance

IV. Contact Information

IAuthors rights and responsibilitie

01Authors rights and responsibilitie
Manuscripts submitted to APCJ must be original work submitted exclusively to APCJI and never published before, excluding in short abstract form. A manuscript previously in another language is not regarded as an original contribution.
With each manuscript you must submit an APCJ copyright from which transfers and copyright to the unpublished article to APCJ and other parties. Before publication, the Editorial and Publication Office must receive a signed hard copy of the copyright form, which can be obtained on the APCJ web site.
03Ethical and Legal Issues
Plagiarism, fabrication, falsification, and double submission are unacceptable. Authors are responsible for acknowledging sources appropriately. APCJ assumes that material submitted to APCJ is properly available for general dissemination to the readership of ETRI Journal. It is the responsibility of the authors, not ETRI or ETRI Journal, to determine whether disclosure of their material requires the prior consent of other parties and, if so, to obtain it.
Statements and opinions given in the articles published in APCJ are the expressions of the contributors. Responsibility for the contents of published papers rests upon the authors, not APCJ.
Every contribution should be listed as an author and no one but contributors should be listed as authors. The submitting author is regarded as the corresponding author. All correspondence will be sent to the submitting author by email.

IIManuscript Preparation

01Research Area Covered in ACPJ
Manuscripts submitted to APCJ must be original work submitted exclusively to APCJI and never published before, excluding in short abstract form. A manuscript previously in another language is not regarded as an original contribution.
  • Report of APEC International Education Cooperation and Future Education Consortium project
  • APEC International Education Cooperation and paper related to the field
  • Introduce the practical case of education ground from elementary school to University
  • APEC education integrated person’s proposal about policy and implementation
Papers should be written to be accessible to non-specialists as well as experts in the fields discussed.
02Choice of word Processor
Use Microsoft Word to prepare your manuscript. The manuscript must be edited in two-column format including figures and tables. The APCJ style guide file can be used as a template for letter papers and the APCJ author guide file for regular or special-issue papers. Please prepare your manuscript for printing, so lease input your material as possible and avoid excessive use of special formatting. If this style manual is unfamiliar to you, you can find a brief guide to APA style on the websites of many American college libraries. Here is a handy guide from Indiana University : http://www.indiana.edu/~wts/pamphlets/apa_style.shtml
03Length of Manuscript
Article submissions are usually from 2,000 to 5,000 words in length. Articles of greater length are published when the topic and treatment merit it. Your paper should be just long enough to present the background of the subject, your results, and your conclusions. The font size and spacing should not be manipulated to forcefully fit the page limit.
The abstract of a paper should concisely state what was done, how it was done, the principal results, and their significance. It will appear later in various abstracts / index journals and should only contain the most critical information of the paper. The abstract of a regular paper is limited to 1,200 characters and that of a letter to 600 characters including the blank spaces.
05Consecutive Numbering of Parts
All manuscript pages, footnotes, equations, and references should be labeled in consecutive numerical order. Illustrations and tables should be cited in text in numerical order.
Regular length papers generally consist of the title, author affiliation footnote (including any financial support acknowledgement), abstract, introduction, body, conclusion, and reference list. A paper may also include appendices, a glossary of symbols, and an acknowledgement of non-financial support. The author names and author affiliation footnote must not appear at submission or during review for anonymity between reviewers and authors.
Only material directly related to your investigation should be cited and include under references.
08Errors, Revisions, and Timeliness
Authors are responsible for correcting errors in their manuscript and completing revisions in a timely manner as requested by the Editorial and Publication Office.

IIIAfter Acceptance

01Submission of Photos and Bibliographies
Authors of a regular or special-issue paper should submit their photos and biographies if their paper is accepted for publication. For all types of manuscript to be published, please submit each author’s name and contact information including organization, address, telephone, an e-mail address on a separate sheet for front page information on the authors. To avoid publication delays, the APCJ Publication Office should be notified in advance of any anticipated changes in author addresses or absences that may occur during production.
Every article to be published in APCJ is re-edited utilizing the authors’ manuscript. Authors will receive proofs of their paper prior to publication. These must be checked and returned to the APCJ Publication Office immediately. Changes should be minor corrections only.
03Changes, Reprints, and Complimentary Copy
APCJ does not charge authors for submission or publication. Authors of a paper published in APCJ receive 5 reprints of their work and a complimentary copy of the issue in which their contribution appears.

IVContact Information

Please direct inquiries concerning articles for submission as follows: Editorial Office : APCJ, Professor’s Research Complex NO. 2, Room 405-2, Pusan National University, 63beon-gil 2, Busandaehak-ro, Geumjeong-gu, Busan, 46241 Korea (ROK) TEL : +82-51-510-2624

APCJ Editorial Staff
Editor in Chief : YoungHwan Kim, Prof. Pusan National University, Korea (younghkim@pusan.ac.kr)
Editorial Assistant : Sangmi Kim, Pusan National University, Korea (smjenny@naver.com)