:: APEC국제교육협력원 ::





ALCoB is consist of 3 main groups, called Teachers, Learners, and Supporters in APEC region. Each group called as a CELL, and those cells are combined and progressed the organic activity.

01ALCoB-T (ALCoB Teacher) : Education volunteer, expert in globalization and informatization

Work as delegate of his/her country in events of globalization & informatization
(international workshops , attending seminars, etc)
Share and collect best practice in teaching & learning
Public relations of within belonging area
Carry out sustainable collaboration project through web portal (online-ALCoB.org)
Carry out ALCoB-centered volunteer activities within APEC member economies

02ALCoB-L (ALCoB Learner) : The ultimate future of a learning community

Receive support from teachers, gather and apply knowledge, working as 'knowledge consumers’ in the initial stage. In the long term, lively participate in sharing knowledge and work as 'knowledge producers'.
※ALCoB-U (ALCoB University Students)
Not like ALCoB student, ALCoB-U consists of the university student and graduate student who share the principle of ALCoB through the international exchanging activity such as volunteer ring, forum, and workshop.

03ALCoB-S (ALCoB Supporter) : Support activities of teachers and learners (the Ministry of Education, local Department of Education, universities, research institutes, businesses, etc)

Perform ALCoB activity examinations, induce active participation, analyze and recommend ICT application examples, recommend excellent ALCoB-Teachers & learners, prepare contact point in belonging teacher group, advisor of collaborative project, and prepare incentives for ALCoB.

ALCoB Entrepreneur Committee (ALCoB-EC)is composed of representative IT & e-learning enterprise in each economy

※Since the Korea, Vietnam(2005) and Thailand(2006) ALCoB-EC launched , each economy of ALCoB-EC has been organized and activated currently. Supporting the World educational Soft ware (S/W), Hardware (H/W), and e-learning solution for ALCoB activity.